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Help & Support Change Password

Change Password

Click on the “My Account” tab and then the “Change Password” tab, this will take you to a new screen showing a table with 3mandatory fields.

In the first field named Password, insert your existing password here. Once completed, select the Tab key and move down to the field named New Password and insert a password of your choice. Please note, passwords can only consist of letters and numbers – no characters (such as question marks, percentage signs etc) can be used. The maximum length of your password is 100 characters.

Once you have inserted your new password,select the Tab key and move to the Confirm New Password field.  The password entered here MUST be the same as the new password entered previously. Once you have completed this and you are happy with the changes made,select the “change” tab to confirm this action and you will see the message“Change Password Complete.  Your password has been changed!” Selecting the Continue tab from here will then take you through to your Dashboard Welcome Screen.

If, after completing the information and deciding that you no longer wish to change your password, select the “Cancel”tab which will fore go all changes and take you to your Dashboard Welcome Screen.