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Help & Support My Contact Information

My Contact Information:

By selecting My Account and selecting My Contact Information, you will find a screen with:

Contact name

Type (Marketing manager?)



A chance to mark this contact as a primary contact from the tick box, if several contacts are listed. Be careful that the right profile is marked, as this person will receive all the information and will be contacted by us for instance in problem situations

If you would like to enter a new contact,please press the Add Contact button. You will find two pages, one saying Basic Information,and the other page saying Optional Contact info

Basic Information fields.

All the fields marked with a red star are compulsory.

First field is equipped with a drop down menu box, with different kind of departments for the contact. If there is no specific department that relates to your role, please choose Standard from the drop down box.

Second field is the title field, for instance Sales Manager

First name is the given name

Surname is family name

Email address with correct spelling, no different characters replacing the @ sign or similar

Country field, is where you should choose the country where you are based. If your office is on Denmark but you sell property in the UK, you choose Denmark

Be careful, if you choose the wrong country in the beginning and correct it later, the time zone feature does not change automatically and you will have to choose your time zone manually from the drop down box.

Telephone number including the country code in format 44 1234 777 555.

Full Postal code/Zip-code

Mobile phone number including the country code in format 44 1234 555 777.

The Optional Contact Info page

There are ten fields

Four first ones are for the address. Postal code/Zip code would have been completed on the previous page

Website address includinghttp://

Company Name

Personal email. If you entered a generic email address on the basic Information page, here is a field for your personal contact email address

Secondary email. Here you can add assistant/partner/colleague email address who is for instance your stand in when you are away from office

Home telephone is the same as private telephone/cell phone including the country code in format 44 1234 111222.

Fax number including the country code in format 44 1234 111 222.

When you have completed the details click on the OK button to save and exit, or click cancel if you are not ready to save the details in the database